If a dispute between a consumer and Garanti Bank S.A. could not be settled as a result of a complaint submitted by the consumer to the bank, consumers can turn to alternative dispute resolution mechanism provided by GO 38/2015 amended and supplemented further, addressing the Banking Centre for Alternative Dispute Settlement (CSALB) with headquarters in Bucharest, Str. Sevastopol no.24, sector 1, telephone number (021) 9414, www.csalb.ro. This is the authorized center to organize and manage the settlement through alternative means of dispute in the banking- financial sector.

More information on this procedure can be found here.


Who we are?

CSALB is an entity:

Our mission is to organize the settlement of disputes between consumers and banking financial
institutions in a balanced, reasonable, fast and out of court way.
Examining and solving disputes shall be performed by persons included on the list of conciliators
CSALB – experts, people with good reputation, independent and impartial.
CSALB activity is coordinated by the Coordination Board consisting of 5 appointed members – four
from ANPC, ARB, NBR and consumer associations and an independent member selected by the four
members appointed. Coordination Board members have no executive powers and are independent
in making decisions.

Do you have a banking financial dispute?

If a dispute between a consumer and Garanti Bank S.A. could not be settled as a result of a complaint submitted by the consumer to the bank, consumers can turn to alternative dispute resolution mechanism provided by GO 38/2015 amended and supplemented further, addressing the Banking Centre for Alternative Dispute Settlement (CSALB) with headquarters in Bucharest, Str. Sevastopol no.24, sector 1, telephone number (021) 9414, www.csalb.ro. This is the authorized center to organize and manage the settlement through alternative means of dispute in the banking- financial sector.

If you addressed to the bank and you are not satisfied with the response, we, the CSALB, can help you to solve your conflict fast, free, in a objective manner and off the court. You can find more details in this leaflet or you can call us at: 021 9414 (tool with normal tariff)

What characterizes us?

How can we help?
If the complaint has not been resolved directly with the financial institution, consumers can call for support from CSALB. Our experts listen CSALB consumer complaint, receive the opinion of the banking institution and analyze the situation. If we consider that the action of the banking institution was correct, we inform the consumer why we came to this conclusion. If you do not believe that the action was correct, we can propose or impose to the banking institution a solution to make things right. Our goal is to solve the situation fairly, in less than 90 days and with no cost to consumer.

What are we doing?
CSALB organizes two types of alternative dispute resolution procedures.
These procedures are optional, voluntary and separate procedures in courts.

Which are the steps?
1. The consumer is dissatisfied with the contractual relationship with the banking institution and he addresses a complaint.
2. The consumer is not satisfied with the reply received from the banking institution or the institution does not answer.
3. The consumer calls CSALB (021 9414).
4. CSALB prosposes consumer 2 types of settlement procedures:
– The procedure conciliator proposes a solution, which the parties can accept or not. The proposed solution can be accepted within 15 days. If accepted, it becomes enforceable. The parties may withdraw at any time from this procedure.
– The procedure by which the conciliator imposes a solution – a procedure similar to that in court, but simple and informal. The parties may not withdraw from the proceedings.
In both procedures, the conciliator must be accepted by both parties and the term of settlement is at most 90 days.
5. The consumer chooses the procedure, completes the application and CSALB contacts the financial and banking institution.
6. The conciliator is appointed randomly from persons listed conciliator, but must be accepted by both sides. If the parties do not accept the conciliator, another conciliator will be randomly appointed from the same list.
7. The conciliator analyzes the file and asks where appropriate, information, documents, etc.
8. Conciliator proposes or imposes a solution, depending on the chosen procedure.

Useful information

Garanti Bank S.A. Registered Office

Sos. Fabrica de Glucoză nr. 5, Business Center Novo Park 3 Building F, Et. 5 and 6, Sector 2, Bucharest 

Trade Register number J40/4429/2009 

Tax registration code RO 25394008 

Registered in the Register of Credit Institutions under no. RB-PJR-40-066/17.08.2009 

Registered in the Register of the Financial Supervisory Authority under no. PJR01INCR/400019/28.03.2019