Current Activity Financing

The financing and guarantee solutions offered by Garanti BBVA for corporations


It is a type of loan through which the Bank puts at the Borrower’s disposal a working capital limit, dimensioned based on the financing gaps in the operational activity of the company.

Product characteristics:

Advantages for the company:

Revolving working capital line

It is designed to finance the company’s current activity, with a structure adapted to the Borrower’s business specifics.

Product characteristics:

Advantages for the company:

Short-term loan

It is designed to finance the company’s current activity and it is granted with the aim to optimize its operational flow of the company and has predefined destination (payments towards suppliers, salaries, State Budget taxes etc.).

Product characteristics:

Advantages for the company:

Financing the current activity of non-banking financial institutions (IFNs)

Product characteristics:
Advantages for the company:


In order to keep everything in control when it comes to a company, focusing on things that have to be done is mandatory. But in some situations a company can face problems that are uncontrollable. Don’t worry. Fortunately Garanti BBVA offers a set of insurances for commercial buildings, equipments, machinery, fleets, stocks and any other goods. Moreover, our team can assist you and your company with the wide range of insurance products for the loans contracted from Garanti BBVA.

Information regarding insurance policies:

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