Accounts and Services

Companies have access to our products and services via their Garanti BBVA current accounts.

Product features

Product features:

The legal representatives of the company nominate the authorized persons to operate on the company’s bank accounts. For each authorized representative, they establish a certain level of competence for accessing the bank accounts, subject to the assigned signature by operation type and transactional limits. Authorized representatives can remotely access the company’s accounts through electronic applications, as well as through any Garanti BBVA agency.

Advantages for the company:

Easy to obtain

Personalized offer

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In agencies

You can come to any of the Garanti BBVA agencies

The current accounts open with the Bank can be operated by the Corporate clients through the chosen Garanti BBVA agency. In addition, Corporate clients can open current accounts via Internet Banking Garanti BBVA Online, without having to go in a bank agency; thus, the account number is assigned immediately and the account will be activated immediately after due signing by the customer, in a Garanti BBVA agency, of the original Form for Activating Operations.

Garanti Bank S.A. is taking part in the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGDB). Customers deposits (current accounts, savings and time deposits) are guaranteed by FGDB according to the law. Law no 311/2015 regarding the deposit guaranteed scheme and the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund in place at 14.12.2015 provides changes related to the guaranteed amounts for specific categories and the list of excluded deposits ( information about guaranteed deposits can be found here ). For further information related to deposits guarantee and the compensation payouts click here or you can access